Making quality wines
from generation to generation



Antonio de Arnedo y Monguilan


Determined to continue making quality wines, the landholder, Juan Manuel Íñiguez de Arnedo decided to expand his vineyards, and in 1663 he bought land in Aldeanueva de Ebro which, along with the family’s vineyards, became the Señorío de Arnedo de Ebro estate.

The manor house was built in order to oversee the entire winemaking process at close hand. It is home to one of the oldest wineries in Rioja, where we produce our Monguilan wines in tribute to Don Antonio de Arnedo y Monguilan (1907-1994).


Monguilan is a wine brand with a pedigree and a winemaking tradition
that has been handed down from generation to generation
uninterrupted to the current day.


This 17th-century winery, one of the oldest in the Rioja region, is where we have always crafted the fine wines from our family vineyards and where we age our greatest vintages.


Our vineyards are located in the Rioja, one of the most well-known “old world” wine regions.
Many of the world’s finest wines come from the Rioja region, protected by the “Denominación de Origen Calificada”, which guarantees the quality and authenticity of the wines, as well as their bottling in the Rioja region.


In our vineyards, we grow the finest Tempranillo, Garnacha and Graciano grapes, which are harvested traditionally by hand, as our ancestors taught us to do, selecting the best bunches from each variety to produce wines of unparalleled quality that are used to create our Monguilan wines.

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